Wednesday, November 7, 2007

so you want to get in the green preservation business...

Our friend K. has an idea for you: start stocking up on free storm windows now, before the snow hits.

OHJ had a great article in their Sept/Oct 2007 issue, "Embracing Energy Efficiency." Their graphic showed a single-pane window coupled with a storm window with a combined u-value of 0.5, better than the double-pane thermal replacement... not to mention $400 cheaper!* Yes, a low-e double-pane window has a lower u-value at 0.35, but the payback is considerable... at 34 years, probably longer than the window itself will last, and very likely longer than your warranty on a new window. So instead of putting one window in the dumpter--the original, replaced sash--you'll be putting a window in the dumpter every 20 years! And paying $550 for the low-e opportunity!

* u-values rate energy efficiency. We found this article from helpful.

The greenest building keeps its windows out of the dumpster!

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